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Data Intelligence Made Simple

Gain a comprehensive understanding of your business with Jurigo's data analysis solutions

Empower Your Business with Data

Jurigo GmbH partners with Yellowing to provide expertise in interpreting data and identifying trends. We help organizations utilize their data to make informed decisions and develop effective strategies.

Cloud Analytics Solutions

Our cloud analytics solutions provide organizations with secure and scalable platforms for storing and analyzing data. With our expertise in cloud technologies, we can help organizations modernize their analytics infrastructure and reduce costs.

Customizable Applications

Our data intelligence solutions are versatile and customizable. We work with organizations to develop applications that meet their unique needs and requirements.

AI/ML Services

Jurigo GmbH's AI/ML services help organizations gain insights from their data while reducing costs associated with traditional research methods.

Full-Service Data Solutions

Our team of experts provides end-to-end data solutions including data management, analytics, and visualization. We are committed to helping organizations make the most of their data.

Innovative Solutions for Data-Driven Organizations

Jurigo GmbH offers innovative solutions for organizations looking to leverage their data. Our expertise in data analytics, cloud technologies, and AI/ML allows us to provide customized solutions that meet the unique needs of each organization.

Our Data Intelligence Solutions


Years of Experience


Business Partners


Data Points Analyzed


Industries Served


Expert Team Members


Transform Your Organization with Data Intelligence

Jurigo GmbH's data intelligence solutions can help your organization make informed decisions and develop effective strategies. Contact us today to learn more.

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